Astrology is Real

Capricorn Full Moon July 21: Seeing Reality

Willows Bloom

The Capricorn full moon on July 21st at 29 degrees, a critical degree in astrology, may bring crises or situations that test Capricorn themes such as self-respect, reputation, and material success. Aspects involving Pluto, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune indicate a time for deep psychological introspection, emotional revelations, and potential volatility. Adaptability and compassion are emphasized to transform rigid aspects of life, relationships, and self-perception.

0:00 - Overview
23:16 - Aries
29:57 - Taurus
37:17 - Gemini
42:49 - Cancer
48:41 - Leo
54:49 - Virgo
01:02:06 - Libra
01:10:48 - Scorpio
01:18:57 - Sagittarius
01:25:29 - Capricorn
01:31:29 - Aquarius
01:37:42 - Pisces 

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